There Is Something Like A Dame

Good news and bad news.

The bad news is that the dress arrived and, while the label does indeed say it’s a size 16, it’s an old size 16, meaning really a 12-14. Not big enough for a dame dress, unless you have a very skinny one.

The good news is that I was able to pick up a size 18 Laura Ashley dress from the charity shop this morning in a deep royal blue. It’s a little heavier than I’d like (I am notorious for worrying about principals dehydrating) but otherwise perfect. I popped in a modesty panel at the back (what is it with the 80s and random bows on backless dresses?) and pretty much stuck to the original design, ending up with this.

I’m going to add another stitch into the front pink glove to make it a little more centred, but it should look great when the dame turns. I’ve not put the sponge pad squares over the boobs as I wonder if it’s a bit too much. Thoughts?

Now I’m just waiting for a little construct to dry in order to cover it with white plastic baubles, i.e. washing up bubbles. It’ll make a great accompanying hat to nestle in the wig. If there are enough baubles left over, I’ll make a chunky necklace too. One day I’ll learn when to stop!