Work It

I went to the gym today. It’s important to know that I hate going to the gym. It was only possible thanks to the creche which takes Little L – most places that offer a creche for children who are 6 months+ only, while ours is 3 months+. Brilliant.

Due to various ills, I’ve not been able to go to the gym since joining two months ago, so today was a case of me getting on with it. Irritatingly, I left my gym token at home – the precious piece of plastic which tells me what to do next and how long for. Otherwise (like today) I’m completely lost. Not wishing to waste the hour of creche time, I had a go on the treadmill, worked up a sweat* then caved in and had some ‘me’ time instead with a cup of tea. So today’s workout:

20 minutes on the treadmill consisting of
2 minutes walking at 5km/hour
1 minute running at 8km/hour
Repeated until end.

Aside from that, I’ll be walking 1.5 miles with Little L later this afternoon on a little loop around the marina. After that, time to relax!

*This does not take long thanks to me being pretty unfit.