
Continuing my transfer of blog posts from the Baby forums to my website, here’s what I was thinking on 17th July 2010.

Yep, you guessed it – I’m still struggling to believe I’m pregnant.

I have symptoms – I have that back back/hip things and a bit of Sciatica. Don’t worry, I’ll let my Osteopath know soon. I have a bloated tummy, but sometimes it’s bigger than others. I’m tired and generally in bed by 10pm (it’s always been about 12am as a standard), but other than that – who’s to know?

So far we’ve told my sister, our bosses, my closest work colleague (who I sit next to and is 7 months pregnant) and a close friend. It feels silly telling more people. In some ways I’m busting to tell the world, in others; if I’m not sure if I really really am, how can I set up that expectation in others?

Other than that, I have a blood test this Friday, my meeting with the midwife (team) on 11th August (the day after my birthday) and the first scan on 2nd September which seems an age away.

For now, it’s a case of keeping an eye out for the bump!