Knock Knock

I work in one of the oldest parts of the council buildings in Bedford. There are photos (and paintings) of old Mayors lining the corridor walls and you can’t step without hearing creaky floorboard. So you’ll understand why, when in an empty room, without hearing any movement outside of said room, when* I heard the knocking coming from the corner, I became a little skittish.

Following the speed of the beat of Flowers In The Window by Travis (sorry, it’s the only thing I could liken to the metronome), I heard;
“knock-knock-knock…knock knock …knock-knock-knock.” Yes, the Morse code for SOS. Heard TWICE. Followed by sporadic knocks since. It’s been quiet for a few minutes now.

If this message is posted successfully on the internet, you’ll know I survived.

*Written at 2.45pm