It’s ok.

Occasionally I say ground breaking things. I know, incredible as it may seem. But I?m not talking Einstein levels. Just something that I?ll say in a conversation that makes *me* review how I?m doing things, not anyone else. Little Amy revelations, if you will.

I had such a moment this weekend.

While chatting with a friend I don?t see nearly enough, I said the following;

?You know, I?ve been through the worst thing in my life I could ever go through. Everything else is manageable.?


You only get one mum, truly, and when you lose her it is absolutely devastating. But I?m still here and actually, I?m ok. Comparatively, a 5 hour journey home becoming a 9/10 hour one is actually quite doable. As is getting caught in the rain on my way somewhere, wearing a pair of trousers that are a bit too tight and only realizing this upon arrival at work, missing a tv programme ? it?s all doable.


I?m not suggesting the world deliberately go out of its way to throw angst at me, but I do feel a little more confident that I can cope with whatever metaphorical banana skin should appear next beneath my feet.